Really, though, I guess I should have done a separate photo shoot with them... Okay to make these shirts... I bought the red t-shirts for 8 bucks at, I think it was Sears or Penny's. Then I took the material and used a fabric marker to draw the basic shape of what I wanted. Then I cut it out just inside the marker line.
It doesn't have to be precise at all! Next I pinned it to the front of the shirt along with some stitch'n'tear on the inside of the shirt. Then I just used a thick stitch and sewed the outline of the shape, but about 1/4" from the edge. After a few washes the edges got frayed and it looks really cute! Anyway, I really liked these last two with my niece and Drama Boy; they were SO cute together! ;)
LOVE your header shot and you have such a beautiful blog. I hope this comment reaches you - I just had to say hello ! Best wishes & thank you for sharing...